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Visit our service division, RigPro

RigPro Cares For Your Mast

RigPro is the Southern Spars’ authorised service provider, offering comprehensive and professional repair, service and maintenance to racing and cruising yachts around the world.

As an integrated part of the NTG’s mast businesses, RigPro has 24/7 access to our global database of yachts and our excellent engineering design capabilities. With a global and dedicated service design team, RigPro is the only service provider that can offer engineered solutions incl. upgrades and modifications for Southern Spars rigged yachts.

With strategically positioned RigPro service centres around the world, backed up by a rapid response mobile team, a RigPro representative is only hours away.

Whether it is a regular maintenance check, emergency work or a complex upgrade and modification, get in contact with RigPro on [email protected].